Model Equation: Analytical and Numerical Solutions

Numerical Solver: Step size (h): Number of steps to display (N):

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Growth functions of the given numerical ODE solving methods
Method Growth function: G(hλ)
Explicit: Euler Forward Step (RK1) 1 + hλ
Explicit: RK2 1 + hλ + (hλ)2/2
Explicit: RK3 1 + hλ + (hλ)2/2 + (hλ)3/6
Explicit: RK4 1 + hλ + (hλ)2/2 + (hλ)3/6 + (hλ)4/24
Implicit: Euler Backward Step 1/(1 - hλ)
Implicit: Euler Symmetrical (1 + hλ/2)/(1 - hλ/2)
Implicit: Hammer-Hollingsworth [1 + hλ/2 + (hλ)2/12] /[1 - hλ/2 + (hλ)2/12]