Platform for Assignment

For assignments in this class, you will be using SERC's Tesla Cluster.

Follow the following steps:

Copy /home/staff/sec/secvss/.cshrc.fermi to .cshrc in your home directory.

Then do:
source .cshrc
in your command line.


First GPU program

1. copy /home/staff/sec/secvss/fermi-cluster/cuda-test to your directory.
This contains a simple CUDA program (the .cu file), a Makefile, and a submission script
The program reverses an array of size 256 using 256 GPU threads.
2. Do
$ make
3. Edit last line of submission script. Specifically change
"/home/staff/sec/secvss/tesla-cluster/cuda-test/test-cuda" to
<your directory>/test-cuda
where your directory is the name of your directory containing test-cuda.c
4. Submit to PBS using
$qsub samplescript
5. Monitor your submitted job using
6. After your program finishes, you will see 2 new files in your directory corresponding
to error and output of your program.
7. In your output file, you should see "Correct!"

Happy CUDA!