Platform for Assignment

For assignments in this class, you will be using SERC's Tyrone Cluster.

Follow the following steps:

Copy /home/staff/sec/secvss/.cshrc.tyrone to .cshrc in your home directory.

Then do:
source .cshrc
in your command line.

To use MPI:

First MPI program

1. copy /home/staff/sec/secvss/tyrone-cluster/mpi-test to your directory.
This contains a simple MPI program, a Makefile, and a submission script for submitting to 8 cpus
2. Do
$ make
3. Change
"/home/staff/sec/secvss/tyrone-cluster/mpi-test" in the sample-script file to your directory containing test-mpi.c
4. Submit to PBS using
$qsub samplescript
5. Monitor your submitted job using
6. After your program finishes, you will see 2 new files in your directory corresponding
to error and output of your program.
7. For running with different number of processes, replace the "8" in the mpirun line in samplescript

Happy MPI!

First OpenMP program

Once again, copy /home/staff/sec/secvss/.cshrc to your home directory.

Then do:
source .cshrc
in your command line.

1. copy /home/staff/sec/secvss/tyrone-cluster/openmp-test to your directory.
This contains a simple OpenMP program, a Makefile, and a submission script for
submitting to 32 cpus
2. Do
$ make
3. Change
"/home/staff/sec/secvss/tyrone-cluster/openmp-test" to
your directory containing test-openmp.c
4. Submit to PBS using
$qsub samplescript.12
5. Monitor your submitted job using
6. After your program finishes, you will see 2 new files in your directory corresponding
to error and output of your program.
7. Look at the C program and the output file and understand the working of the OpenMP threads.

Happy OpenMP!