Welcome to MIG website
Imaging Group (MIG) is part of Department of Computational
and Data Sciences (CDS) in Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore. The group's active research interests include
medical image computing and analysis.
The group
currently consists of 2 post-doctoral fellows, 3 Ph.D. and
6 M.Tech. course work students. The convenor (P.I.) of the
group is Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy.
Research Projects

Computation of dynamic
medical images in real time is a challenging problem,
where the data acquisition speeds are close to 30
frames per second. The reported computing speeds are
only 10 frames per second.
MIG Monthly Research Seminars (Intra-IISc link)
MIG Journal Club (Intra-IISc link)
Latest News
Three new M.Tech. (CDS) students have joined the group.
Contact information
Phaneendra K. Yalavarthy, Ph.D.Convenor, Medical Imaging Group
Department of Computational and Data Sciences (CDS)
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560 012 KA India
Phone No: +91-80-2293 2496
e-mail: yalavarthy # iisc.ac.in (replace '#' with @)