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  1. Anwesha Bhowmick, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Varun PV. Scalable Multi-node Multi-GPU Louvain Community Detection Algorithm for Hetergeneous Architectures. Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience Volume. 34(17), 2022. pdf

  2. Manasi Tiwari, Sathish S. Vadhiyar. Pipelined Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods for Real and Complex Linear Systems for Distributed Memory Architectures. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume. 163, Pagess 147-155, 2022. pdf

  3. Rintu Panja, Sathish S. Vadhiyar. HyPar:A Divide-and-conquer Model for Hybrid CPU–GPU Graph Processing. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 132, Pages 8-20, 2019. pdf

  4. Prakash Murali, Sathish Vadhiyar. Metascheduling of HPC Jobs in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Volume 29(3), March 2018. pdf

  5. Amlesh Kashyap, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Ravi S. Nanjundiah, P. N. Vinayachandran. Asynchronous and Synchronous Models of Executions on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Systems for High Performance of Long Wave Radiation Calculations in Atmosphere Models. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol 102, pages 199-212, 2017. pdf

  6. Prakash Murali, Sathish Vadhiyar. Qespera: An Adaptive Framework for Prediction of Queue Waiting Times in Supercomputer Systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol 28/9, pp 2685-2710, June 2016. pdf

  7. Cijo George, Sathish Vadhiyar. Fault Tolerance on Large Scale Systems using Adaptive Process Replication. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 64/8, pp 2213-2225, August 2015. pdf

  8. Hari Raghavan, Sathish Vadhiyar. Adaptive Executions of Hyperbolic Block-Structured AMR Applications on GPU Systems. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), Vol 29/2, pp 135-153, 2015. pdf

  9. Hari Raghavan, Sathish Vadhiyar. Efficient Asynchronous Executions of AMR Computations and Visualization on a GPU System. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol 73/6, pp 866-875, 2013. pdf

  10. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Large Improvements in Application Throughput of Long-running Multi-Component Applications using Batch Grids. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, Vol 24/15, pp 1775-1791, 2012. pdf

  11. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Adaptive Executions of Multi-Physics Coupled Applications on Grids. Journal of Grid Computing, Vol 9/4, pp 455-478, 2011. pdf

  12. H.A. Sanjay and Sathish Vadhiyar. Strategies for Rescheduling Tightly-Coupled Parallel Applications in Multi-Cluster Grids. Journal of Grid Computing, Vol 9/3, pp 379-403, 2011. pdf

  13. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Grids with Multiple Batch Systems for Performance Enhancement of Multi-Component and Parameter Sweep Parallel Applications. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol 26/2, pp 217-227, 2010. pdf

  14. H.A. Sanjay and Sathish Vadhiyar. A Strategy for Scheduling Tightly-Coupled Parallel Applications on Clusters. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, Vol 21/18, pp 2491-2517, 2009. pdf

  15. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Dynamic Component Extension: a Strategy for Performance Improvement in Multicomponent Applications. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol 23/1 pp 84-98, 2009. pdf

  16. Yadnyesh Joshi and Sathish Vadhiyar. Analysis of DNA Sequence Transformations on Grids. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol 69/1, pp 80-90, 2009. pdf

  17. H.A.Sanjay and Sathish Vadhiyar. Performance Modeling of Parallel Applications for Grid Scheduling. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol 68/8, pp 1135-1145, 2008. pdf

  18. Sandip Tikar and Sathish Vadhiyar. Efficient Reuse of Replicated Parallel Data Segments in Computational Grids. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol 24/7, pp 644-657, 2008. pdf

  19. J. Dongarra, G. Bosilca, Z. Chen, V. Eijkhout, G. E. Fagg, E. Fuentes, J. Langou, P. Luszczek, J. Pjesivac-Grbovic, K. Seymour, H. You, and S. S. Vadhiyar. Self-adapting numerical software (SANS) effort. IBM Journal of System Research and Development. Exploratory Systems Research. Volume 50, Number 2/3,  pp. 223-238,   2006. pdf

  20. Vadhiyar, S. and Dongarra, J. Self adaptivity in Grid computing. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. Volume 17, Issue 2-4,  pp. 235-257,  Special Issue: Grid Performance. Issue Edited by John Gurd, Tony Hey, Juri Papay, Graham Riley. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Feb 7, 2005. pdf

  21. Vadhiyar, S. and Dongarra, J. GrADSolve - A Grid-based RPC system for Parallel Computing with Application-level Scheduling. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 64, pp. 774-783, 2004. pdf

  22. Vadhiyar, S., Fagg, G. and Dongarra, J. Toward an Accurate Model for Collective Communications. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Volume 18, Number 1, pp 159-166, ISSN 1094-3420, Spring 2004. (Note: Due to some communication lapse beyond control, the final version that appears in the journal is not the version we sent to the publishers after significant paper modifications and enhancements taking into account reviewers' comments and suggestions. Please see the Technical Reports section below for the enhanced version.)

  23. Vadhiyar, S. and Dongarra, J. SRS - A Framework for Developing Malleable and Migratable Parallel Applications for Distributed Systems. Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 13, number 2, pp. 291-312, June 2003. pdf

  24. M. Beck, D. Arnold, A. Bassi, F. Berman, H. Casanova, J. Dongarra, T. Moore, G. Obertelli, J. Plank, M. Swany, S. Vadhiyar, R. Wolski. Middleware for the use of Storage in Communication. Parallel Computing, Volume 28 , Issue 12, pages 1773 - 1787, 2002.

  25. Petitet, A., Blackford, S., Dongarra, J., Ellis, B., Fagg, G., Roche, K., Vadhiyar, S. Numerical Libraries and The Grid: The Grads Experiments with ScaLAPACK. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol. 15, number 4, pages 359-374, Winter 2001. pdf

Conferences and Workshops

  1. Koushik Sen, Sathish Vadhiyar, PN Vinayachandran. Strategies for Fast I/O Throughput in Large-Scale Climate Modeling Applications. In the proceedings of the IIEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), December 2023. Acceptance rate: 24%. pdf

  2. Anwesh Panda, Sathish Vadhiyar. Dynamic Strategies for High Performance Training of Knowledge Graph Embeddings. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), August/September 2022. Acceptance Rate: 27%. pdf

  3. Anoop Kumar, Vibha Balaji, MA Chandrashekar, Ambedkar Dukkipati, Sathish Vadhiyar. Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Alzheimer's Classification with Transfer Learning and HPC Methods. In the proceedings of the IPDPS Workshops on HiCOMB (High Performance Computational Biology), May 2022[Virtual]. pdf

  4. Manasi Tiwari, Sathish Vadhiyar. Strategies for Efficient Execution of Pipelined Conjugate Gradient Method on GPU Systems. In the proceedings of the ISC Workshops on HPC on Heterogeneous Hardware, May/June  2022. pdf

  5. Manasi Tiwari, Sathish Vadhiyar. Pipelined Preconditioned s-step Conjugate Gradient Methods for Distributed Memory Systems. In the proceedings of the IEEE Cluster, September 2021[Virtual]. Acceptance rate: 29%. pdf

  6. KG Renga Bashyam, Sathish Vadhiyar. Fast Scalable Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search for High-Dimensional Data. In the proceedings of the IIEEE Cluster, September 2020 [Virtual]. Acceptance rate: 31.06%. pdf

  7. Manasi Tiwari, Sathish Vadhiyar. Pipelined Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods for Distributed Memory Systems. In the proceedings of the IIEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), December 2020 [Virtual]. Acceptance rate: 36.67%. pdf

  8. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar. Adaptive and Efficient Transfer for Online Remote Visualization of Critical Weather Applications. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), June 2020 [Virtual]. Acceptance rate: 44%. pdf

  9. Anwesha Bhowmick, Sathish Vadhiyar. HyDetect: A Hybrid CPU-GPU Algorithm for Community Detection. In the proceedings of the IIEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), December 2019, Hyderabad, India. Acceptance Rate: 23%. pdf

  10. Udit Gupta, Sathish Vadhiyar. Fast and Accurate Learning of Knowledge Graph Embeddings at Scale. In the proceedings of the IIEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), December 2019, Hyderabad, India. Acceptance Rate: 23%. pdf

  11. Rintu Panja, Sathish Vadhiyar. MND-MST: A Multi-Node Multi-Device Parallel Boruvka's MST Algorithm. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), August 2018, Eugene, USA. Acceptance Rate: 29%. pdf

  12. Srinivasan Ramesh, Sathish Vadhiyar, P. N. Vinayachandran, Ravi S. Nanjundiah. Deep and Shallow Convection Calculations in Atmosphere Models on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Systems. In the proceedings of the High Performance Computing Commmunications (HPCC), December 2017, Bangkok, Thailand. Acceptance Rate: 36% pdf

  13. Vineetha Kondameedi, Sathish Vadhiyar. Adaptive Hybrid Queue Configuration for Supercomputer Systems. In the proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), May 2017, Madrid, Spain. Acceptance Rate: 23%. pdf

  14. T. M. Aketh, Sathish Vadhiyar, P. N. Vinayachandran, Ravi S. Nanjundiah. High Performance Horizontal Diffusion Calculations in Ocean Models on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Systems. In the proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), December 2016, Hyderabad, India. Acceptance Rate: 25%. pdf

  15. Prakash Murali, Sathish Vadhiyar. Metascheduling of HPC Jobs in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets. In the proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), December 2015, Bangalore, India. Acceptance Rate: 24%. pdf

  16. Anirudh Jayakumar, Prakash Murali, Sathish Vadhiyar. Matching Application Signatures for Performance Predictions using a Single Execution. In the proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2015, Hyderabad, India. Acceptance Rate: 21.8%. pdf

  17. Rajath Kumar, Sathish Vadhiyar. Prediction of Queue Waiting Times for Metascheduling on Parallel Batch Systems. In the proceedings of the Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP), May 2014, Phoenix, USA, appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 8828, pages 108-128, 2015. pdf

  18. Anurag Murty, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar. Efficient Homology Computations on Multicore and Manycore Systems. In the proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), December 2013, Bangalore, India. Acceptance Rate: 25%. pdf [Note: My contributions to this paper is strange. Though I participated in discussions and perhaps contributed to parallelization aspects, I will not be able to say a line about the work, except perhaps the title.]

  19. Sai Kiran Korwar, Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. GPU-enabled Efficient Executions of Radiation Calculations in Climate Modeling. In the proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), December 2013, Bangalore, India. Acceptance Rate: 25%. pdf

  20. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. A Diffusion-Based Processor Reallocation Strategy for Tracking Multiple Dynamically Varying Weather Phenomena. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), October 2013, Lyon, France. Acceptance Rate: 30.57%. pdf

  21. R. Vasudevan, Sathish Vadhiyar, Laxmikant Kale. G-Charm: An Adaptive Runtime System for Message-Driven Parallel Applications on Hybrid Systems. In the proceedings of International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), pp 349-358, June 2013, Eugene, Oregon, USA. Acceptance Rate: 21%. pdf

  22. Preeti Malakar, Thomas George, Sameer Kumar, Rashmi Mittal, Vijay Natarajan, Yogish Sabharwal, Vaibhav Saxena, Sathish Vadhiyar. A Divide and Conquer Strategy for Scaling Weather Simulations with Multiple Regions of Interest. In the proceedings of IEEE/ACM Supercomputing conference, SC 2012, November 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Acceptance Rate: 21%. Best student paper nominee. pdf [Note: My contributions were zero for this paper, though due to various reasons I allowed my name to be added]

  23. Cijo George, Sathish Vadhiyar. AdFT: An Adaptive Framework for Fault Tolerance on Large Scale Systems using Application Malleability. In the proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), pp 116-175, June 2012, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. pdf

  24. Rajath Kumar, Sathish Vadhiyar. Identifying Quick Starters: Towards an Integrated Framework for Efficient Predictions of Queue Waiting Times of Batch Parallel Jobs. In the proceedings of the Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP), May 2012, Shanghai, China, appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 7698, pages 196-215, 2013. pdf

  25. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar. InSt: An Integrated Steering Framework for Critical Weather Applications. In the proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), pp 116-125, June 2011, Singapore. Acceptance Rate: 28% pdf

  26. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar. An Adaptive Framework for Simulation and Online Remote Visualization of Critical Climate Applications in source-constrained Environments. In the proceedings of IEEE/ACM Supercomputing conference, SC 2010, November 2010, New Orleans, USA. Acceptance Rate: 20.2% pdf

  27. Priyank Raj Khatariya and Sathish Vadhiyar. Phylogenetic Predictions on Grids. In proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference of e-Science, pp 58-65, December 2009, Oxford, UK. Acceptance Rate: 28.7% pdf

  28. Rakhi Gupta and Sathish Vadhiyar. An Efficient MPI_Allgather for Grids. In proceedings of the ACM High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), pp 169-178, June 2007, Monterey, California, USA. Acceptance Rate: 20% pdf

  29. Jay Yagnik, H.A. Sanjay and Sathish Vadhiyar. Performance Modeling based on Multidimensional Surface Learning for Performance Predictions of Parallel Applications in Non-Dedicated Environments. In proceedings of 35th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), pp 513-520, August 2006, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Acceptance Rate: 32% pdf

  30. Rakhi Gupta and Sathish Vadhiyar. Application-Oriented Adaptive MPI_Bcast for Grids. In proceedings of 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). April 2006, Rhodes Island, Greece. Acceptance Rate: 23.5% pdf

  31. Vadhiyar, S., Dongarra, J. and Yarkhan, A. GrADSolve - RPC for High Performance Computing on the Grid. Euro-Par 2003, 9th International Euro-Par Conference, Proceedings, Springer, LCNS 2790, p. 394-403, August 26 -29, 2003. pdf

  32. Vadhiyar, S. and Dongarra, J. Performance Oriented Migration Framework for the Grid. Proceedings of The 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2003, pp 130-137, May 2003, Tokyo, Japan. pdf

  33. Vadhiyar, S. and Dongarra, J. Metascheduler for the Grid. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), pp 343-351, July 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland. pdf

  34. Kennedy, K., Mazina M., Mellor-Crummey, J., Cooper, K., Torczon L., Berman, F., Chien, A., Dail, H., Sievert, O., Angulo, D., Foster I., Gannon D., Johnsson, L., Kasselman, K., Aydt, R., Reed, D., Dongarra, J., Vadhiyar, S. and Wolski, R. Toward a Framework for Preparing and Executing Adaptive Grid Programs. Proceedings of NSF Next Generation Systems Program Workshop (International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 2002), Fort auderdale, FL. pdf

  35. A. Petitet, S. Blackford, J. Dongarra, B. Ellis, G. Fagg, K. Roche and S. Vadhiyar. Numerical Libraries and The Grid: The GrADS Experiments with ScaLAPACK. Proceedings of Supercomputing 2001 (SC), Denver, Colorado, 2001.

  36. S. Vadhiyar, G. Fagg and J. Dongarra. Performance Modeling For Self Adapting Collective Communications for MPI. Proceedings of Los Alamos Computer Science Institute (LACSI) Symposium, Santa Fe, USA, October 2001

  37. Beck, M., Arnold, D., Bassi, A., Berman, F., Casanova, H., Dongarra, J., Moore, T., Obertelli, G., Plank, J., Swany, M., Vadhiyar, S., Wolski, R. Logistical Computing and Internetworking: Middleware for the Use of Storage in Communication. Third Annual International Workshop on Active Middleware Services (AMS), San Francisco, CA, August, 2001. pdf

  38. Vadhiyar, S., Fagg, G., Dongarra, J. Towards an Accurate Model for Collective Communications. Alexandrov, V., Dongarra, J., Juliano, B., Renner, R., Tan, K. (Eds.) In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science - ICCS 2001, San Francisco, CA. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2073 (Berlin: Springer Verlag), 2001: 41-50. pdf

  39. G. Fagg, S. Vadhiyar and J. Dongarra. ACCT: Automatic Collective Communications Tuning. Proceedings of the 7th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting on Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface. Pages 354-362, Hungary, 2000.

  40. Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Graham E. Fagg, Jack Dongarra. Automatically Tuned Collective Communications. Proceedings of Supercomputing 2000, Dallas, TX. pdf

  41. Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Harold C. Grossman. Static assignment of multithreaded systems. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1999.

Book Chapters

  1. Holly Dail, Otto Sievert, Fran Berman, Henri Casanova, Asim YarKhan, Sathish Vadhiyar, Jack Dongarra, Chuang Liu, Lingyun Yang, Dave Angulo, Ian Foster. Scheduling in the Grid Application Development Software Project. In Grid Resource Management: State of the art and future trends, Edited by Jarek Nabrzyski, Jennifer Schopf and Jan Weglarz,  Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2003, ISBN 1-4020-7575-8. pdf

  2. Sudesh Agrawal, Jack Dongarra, Keith Seymour, and Sathish Vadhiyar. NetSolve: Past, Present, and Future - a Look at a Grid Enabled Server. In Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality, Edited by F. Berman, G. Fox, and A. Hey, Wiley Publisher, 2003, ISBN 0-470-85319-0. pdf 

Refereed Conference Short Papers and Posters

  1. Sarthak Joshi, Sathish Vadhiyar. Combining Checkpoint/Restart and Replication for Fault Tolerance with High Performance. Student Research Symposium poster, International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Bangalore, India, 2024.

  2. Chaitanya Vinod Patil, Sathish Vadhiyar. Balanced and E cient Distribution of Coarse and Nested Grids in Regional Ocean Modeling System. Student Research Symposium poster, In ternational Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Bangalore, India, 2024.

  3. Manasi Tiwari, Sathish Vadhiyar. Communication Overlapping Pipelined Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods for Distributed Memory Systems and Heterogeneous ArchitecturesIn the proceedings of the Euro-Par Workshops - PhD Symposium, August 2021 [Virtual]. pdf

  4. Surendra Varma Pericherla, Sathish Vadhiyar. High Performance and Enhanced Scalability for Parallel Applications using MPI-3's non-blocking Collectives. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Zurich, Switzerland, 2017. pdf

  5. Rajath Prasad, Sathish Vadhiyar. Scheduling Strategies for Multi-Physics Applications. Student Research Symposium poster, International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Bangalore, India, 2011. pdf

  6. Archana Venkatesh, Sathish Vadhiyar. Asynchronous Parallelism for Molecular Dynamics on GPU cores. Student Research Symposium poster, International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Bangalore, India, 2011. pdf

  7. Rajath Prasad, Sathish Vadhiyar. Scheduling Strategies for Multi-Physics Applications. Poster. IBM I-CARE, 2011. pdf

  8. Archana Venkatesh, Sathish Vadhiyar. Asynchronous Parallelism for Molecular Dynamics on GPU cores. Poster. IBM I-CARE, 2011. pdf

  9. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Morco: Middleware Framework for Long-running Multi-component Applications on Batch Grids. Short paper. In the proceedings of the ACM High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), pp 328-331, June 2010, Chicago, USA. pdf

  10. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar and Ravi Nanjundiah. Middleware for Long-running Applications on Batch Grids. Student Research Symposium poster, International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Kochi, India, 2009.

  11. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar and Ravi Nanjundiah. An Integrated Simulation and Visualization Framework for Tracking Cyclone Aila. Student Research Symposium poster, International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Kochi, India, 2009. Best paper award.

  12. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar and Ravi Nanjundiah. Middleware for Long-running Applications on Batch Grids. Student poster in ATIP First Workshop on HPC in India: Indigenous Hardware, Software, and Infrastructure Research, held in conjunction with IEEE/ACM Supercomputing (SC), ortland, Oregon, USA, 2009.

  13. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar and Ravi Nanjundiah. An Integrated Simulation and Visualization Framework for Tracking yclone Aila. Student poster in ATIP First Workshop on HPC in India: Indigenous Hardware, Software, and Infrastructure Research, held in conjunction with IEEE/ACM upercomputing (SC), Portland, Oregon, USA, 2009.

  14. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Executing Long-running Multi-component Applications on Batch Grids. Student Research Symposium. International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Bangalore, India, 2008.

  15. H. A. Sanjay and Sathish Vadhiyar. Performance Modeling Based Scheduling and Rescheduling of Parallel Applications on Computational Grids. International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Goa, India, December 2007.

  16. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar and Ravi Nanjundiah. Coupled Climate Models on Grids. International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Goa, India, December 2007.

Technical Reports

  1. Manasi Tiwari, Sathish Vadhiyar. Efficient executions of Pipelined Conjugate Gradient Method on Heterogeneous Architectures. CoRR abs/2105.06176 (2021) pdf

  2. Vasudevan Rengasamy, Sathish Vadhiyar. Strategies for Efficient Executions of Irregular Message-Driven Parallel Applications on GPU Systems. CoRR abs/2008.05712 (2020) pdf

  3. Ashirbad Mishra, Sathish Vadhiyar, Rupesh Nasre, Keshav Pingali. A Fine-Grained Hybrid CPU-GPU Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality Computations. CoRR abs/2008.05718 (2020). pdf

  4. Swetha Hariharan, Prakash Murali, Abhishek Pasari, Sathish Vadhiyar. End-to-End Predictions-Based Resource Management Framework for Supercomputer Jobs. CoRR abs/2008.08292 (2020) pdf

  5. Ananya Raval, Rupesh Nasre, Vivek Kumar, R. Vasudevan, Sathish Vadhiyar, Keshav Pingali: Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Graph Applications on GPUs. CoRR abs/1711.00231 (2017) pdf

  6. K. Raghavendra, Sathish S. Vadhiyar: Determination of Checkpointing Intervals for Malleable Applications. CoRR abs/1711.00270 (2017) pdf

  7. Srinivasan Ramesh, Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi S. Nanjundiah, P. N. Vinayachandran: Deep and Shallow convections in Atmosphere Models on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Systems. CoRR abs/1711.00289 (2017) pdf

  8. Prakash Murali, Sathish Vadhiyar: Metascheduling of HPC Jobs in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets. CoRR abs/1712.10201 2017. pdf

  9. Vadhiyar, S., Fagg, G. and Dongarra, J. Toward an Accurate Model for Collective Communications. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, University of Teneessee, ut-cs-05-550, 2004. pdf

  10. Typically a team of 8-10 including S Vadhiyar. User's guide to NetSolve, versions 1,1.4,1.4.1,2.0. Computer Science Department, University of Tennessee, Technical Reports.

PhD Thesis

Graph Algorithms and HPC Application Frameworks

  1. Anwesha Bhowmick, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Varun PV. Scalable Multi-node Multi-GPU Louvain Community Detection Algorithm for Hetergeneous Architectures. Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience Volume. 34(17), 2022. pdf

  2. Vasudevan Rengasamy, Sathish Vadhiyar. Strategies for Efficient Executions of Irregular Message-Driven Parallel Applications on GPU Systems. CoRR abs/2008.05712 (2020) pdf

  3. Ashirbad Mishra, Sathish Vadhiyar, Rupesh Nasre, Keshav Pingali. A Fine-Grained Hybrid CPU-GPU Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality Computations. CoRR abs/2008.05718 (2020). pdf

  4. Rintu Panja, Sathish S. Vadhiyar. HyPar:A Divide-and-conquer Model for Hybrid CPU–GPU Graph Processing. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 132, Pages 8-20, 2019. pdf

  5. Anwesha Bhowmick, Sathish Vadhiyar. HyDetect: A Hybrid CPU-GPU Algorithm for Community Detection. In the proceedings of the IIEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), December 2019, Hyderabad, India. Acceptance Rate: 23%. pdf

  6. Rintu Panja, Sathish Vadhiyar. MND-MST: A Multi-Node Multi-Device Parallel Boruvka's MST Algorithm. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), August 2018, Eugene, USA. Acceptance Rate: 29%. pdf

  7. Surendra Varma Pericherla, Sathish Vadhiyar. High Performance and Enhanced Scalability for Parallel Applications using MPI-3's non-blocking Collectives. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Zurich, Switzerland, 2017. pdf

  8. Ananya Raval, Rupesh Nasre, Vivek Kumar, R. Vasudevan, Sathish Vadhiyar, Keshav Pingali: Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Graph Applications on GPUs. CoRR abs/1711.00231 (2017) pdf

  9. Hari Raghavan, Sathish Vadhiyar. Adaptive Executions of Hyperbolic Block-Structured AMR Applications on GPU Systems. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), Vol 29/2, pp 135-153, 2015. pdf

  10. Hari Raghavan, Sathish Vadhiyar. Efficient Asynchronous Executions of AMR Computations and Visualization on a GPU System. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol 73/6, pp 866-875, 2013. pdf

  11. R. Vasudevan, Sathish Vadhiyar, Laxmikant Kale. G-Charm: An Adaptive Runtime System for Message-Driven Parallel Applications on Hybrid Systems. In the proceedings of International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), pp 349-358, June 2013, Eugene, Oregon, USA. Acceptance Rate: 21%. pdf

HPC Middleware Research: Fault Tolerance, Metascheduling, Performance and Scalability Modeling

  1. Swetha Hariharan, Prakash Murali, Abhishek Pasari, Sathish Vadhiyar. End-to-End Predictions-Based Resource Management Framework for Supercomputer Jobs. CoRR abs/2008.08292 (2020) pdf

  2. Prakash Murali, Sathish Vadhiyar. Metascheduling of HPC Jobs in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Volume 29(3), March 2018. pdf

  3. Vineetha Kondameedi, Sathish Vadhiyar. Adaptive Hybrid Queue Configuration for Supercomputer Systems. In the proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), May 2017, Madrid, Spain. Acceptance Rate: 23%. pdf

  4. K. Raghavendra, Sathish S. Vadhiyar: Determination of Checkpointing Intervals for Malleable Applications. CoRR abs/1711.00270 (2017) pdf
  5. Prakash Murali, Sathish Vadhiyar. Qespera: An Adaptive Framework for Prediction of Queue Waiting Times in Supercomputer Systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol 28/9, pp 2685-2710, June 2016. pdf

  6. Cijo George, Sathish Vadhiyar. Fault Tolerance on Large Scale Systems using Adaptive Process Replication. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 64/8, pp 2213-2225, August 2015. pdf

  7. Prakash Murali, Sathish Vadhiyar. Metascheduling of HPC Jobs in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets. In the proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), December 2015, Bangalore, India. Acceptance Rate: 24%. pdf

  8. Anirudh Jayakumar, Prakash Murali, Sathish Vadhiyar. Matching Application Signatures for Performance Predictions using a Single Execution. In the proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2015, Hyderabad, India. Acceptance Rate: 21.8%. pdf

  9. Rajath Kumar, Sathish Vadhiyar. Prediction of Queue Waiting Times for Metascheduling on Parallel Batch Systems. In the proceedings of the Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP), May 2014, Phoenix, USA, appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 8828, pages 108-128, 2015. pdf

  10. Cijo George, Sathish Vadhiyar. AdFT: An Adaptive Framework for Fault Tolerance on Large Scale Systems using Application Malleability. In the proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), pp 116-175, June 2012, Omaha, Nebraska, USA. pdf

  11. Rajath Kumar, Sathish Vadhiyar. Identifying Quick Starters: Towards an Integrated Framework for Efficient Predictions of Queue Waiting Times of Batch Parallel Jobs. In the proceedings of the Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP), May 2012, Shanghai, China, appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Volume 7698, pages 196-215, 2013. pdf
  12. H.A. Sanjay and Sathish Vadhiyar. Strategies for Rescheduling Tightly-Coupled Parallel Applications in Multi-Cluster Grids. Journal of Grid Computing, Vol 9/3, pp 379-403, 2011. pdf

  13. H.A. Sanjay and Sathish Vadhiyar. A Strategy for Scheduling Tightly-Coupled Parallel Applications on Clusters. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, Vol 21/18, pp 2491-2517, 2009. pdf

  14. H.A.Sanjay and Sathish Vadhiyar. Performance Modeling of Parallel Applications for Grid Scheduling. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol 68/8, pp 1135-1145, 2008. pdf

High Performance Climate Modeling

  1. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar. Adaptive and Efficient Transfer for Online Remote Visualization of Critical Weather Applications. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), June 2020 [Virtual]. Acceptance rate: 44%. pdf 

  2. Amlesh Kashyap, Sathish S. Vadhiyar, Ravi S. Nanjundiah, P. N. Vinayachandran. Asynchronous and Synchronous Models of Executions on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Systems for High Performance of Long Wave Radiation Calculations in Atmosphere Models. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol 102, pages 199-212, 2017. pdf

  3. Srinivasan Ramesh, Sathish Vadhiyar, P. N. Vinayachandran, Ravi S. Nanjundiah. Deep and Shallow Convection Calculations in Atmosphere Models on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Systems. In the proceedings of the High Performance Computing Commmunications (HPCC), December 2017, Bangkok, Thailand. Acceptance Rate: 36% pdf

  4. T. M. Aketh, Sathish Vadhiyar, P. N. Vinayachandran, Ravi S. Nanjundiah. High Performance Horizontal Diffusion Calculations in Ocean Models on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor Systems. In the proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), December 2016, Hyderabad, India. Acceptance Rate: 25%. pdf

  5. Sai Kiran Korwar, Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. GPU-enabled Efficient Executions of Radiation Calculations in Climate Modeling. In the proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), December 2013, Bangalore, India. Acceptance Rate: 25%. pdf

  6. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. A Diffusion-Based Processor Reallocation Strategy for Tracking Multiple Dynamically Varying Weather Phenomena. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), October 2013, Lyon, France. Acceptance Rate: 30.57%. pdf

  7. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Large Improvements in Application Throughput of Long-running Multi-Component Applications using Batch Grids. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, Vol 24/15, pp 1775-1791, 2012. pdf

  8. Preeti Malakar, Thomas George, Sameer Kumar, Rashmi Mittal, Vijay Natarajan, Yogish Sabharwal, Vaibhav Saxena, Sathish Vadhiyar. A Divide and Conquer Strategy for Scaling Weather Simulations with Multiple Regions of Interest. In the proceedings of IEEE/ACM Supercomputing conference, SC 2012, November 2012, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Acceptance Rate: 21%. Best student paper nominee. pdf
  9. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar. InSt: An Integrated Steering Framework for Critical Weather Applications. In the proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), pp 116-125, June 2011, Singapore. Acceptance Rate: 28% pdf

  10. Preeti Malakar, Vijay Natarajan, Sathish Vadhiyar. An Adaptive Framework for Simulation and Online Remote Visualization of Critical Climate Applications in source-constrained Environments. In the proceedings of IEEE/ACM Supercomputing conference, SC 2010, November 2010, New Orleans, USA. Acceptance Rate: 20.2% pdf

  11. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Adaptive Executions of Multi-Physics Coupled Applications on Grids. Journal of Grid Computing, Vol 9/4, pp 455-478, 2011. pdf

  12. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Grids with Multiple Batch Systems for Performance Enhancement of Multi-Component and Parameter Sweep Parallel Applications. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol 26/2, pp 217-227, 2010. pdf

  13. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Morco: Middleware Framework for Long-running Multi-component Applications on Batch Grids. Short paper. In the proceedings of the ACM High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), pp 328-331, June 2010, Chicago, USA. pdf
  14. Sivagama Sundari M., Sathish Vadhiyar, Ravi Nanjundiah. Dynamic Component Extension: a Strategy for Performance Improvement in Multicomponent Applications. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol 23/1 pp 84-98, 2009. pdf

High Performance Machine Learning and Data Science

  1. Anwesh Panda, Sathish Vadhiyar. Dynamic Strategies for High Performance Training of Knowledge Graph Embeddings. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP). Acceptance Rate: 27%. pdf

  2. Anoop Kumar, Vibha Balaji, MA Chandrashekar, Ambedkar Dukkipati, Sathish Vadhiyar. Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Alzheimer's Classification with Transfer Learning and HPC Methods. In the proceedings of the IPDPS Workshops, May 2022. [Virtual]. pdf

  3. KG Renga Bashyam, Sathish Vadhiyar. Fast Scalable Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search for High-Dimensional Data. In the proceedings of the IEEE Cluster, September 2020 [Virtual]. Acceptance rate: 31.06%. pdf

  4. Udit Gupta, Sathish Vadhiyar. Fast and Accurate Learning of Knowledge Graph Embeddings at Scale. In the proceedings of the IIEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data and Analytics (HiPC), December 2019, Hyderabad, India. Acceptance Rate: 23%. pdf

Communication Overlapping, Asynchronous and Pipelined Solvers

    All of Manasi Tiwari's papers.

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