Logo design contest for CDS

26 Apr 16    Yogesh Simmhan

The Department of Computational and Data Science (CDS) is a new department in the Interdisciplinary Research Division of IISc, formed from the earlier academic wing of SERC. We are looking for a contemporary logo to capture the innovative spirit and vibrancy of CDS, and are crowd-sourcing the logo design to the IISc community! We invite submissions for the new CDS department logo design from any IISc member, based on the guidelines below. The submissions will be voted upon by CDS members and the winning designer will be eligible for a Tata Book House Gift voucher for Rs. 3000/-.

Please send you submissions as a single zip file by email to simmhan@cds.iisc.ac.in by May 8 , 2016. We will notify the winning entry by end of May, 2016.


1) The logo is meant for the CDS department, and is not related to the SERC facility. Please visit cds.iisc.ac.in for details of the new department.

2) The letters C D S should appear in the logo, either as part of the logo or below/beside it.

3) The logo should be designed using vector graphics format that can be edited and scaled. You must submit both the vector and raster (e.g. PNG, JPG) versions of the logo

4) You should use 4 colors or less in the logo to allow for flexible printing. You may also submit variants of the logo with different background colors, B&W, grayscale, etc.

5) You should include a brief note on the rationale behind the logo, and what it is supposed to convey about the department.

6) By making a submission, you agree to transfer all your rights to the logo to the CDS department, if your logo is accepted as the winning entry.