CDS-KIAC Weekend Lecture Series: A Gentle Introduction to Large Language Models
Congratulations to Sravanti Addepalli for winning the 2024 IKDD Doctoral Dissertation in Data Science Award!
Quantum computing-based approach to turbo-charge data retrieval efficiency
New algorithms advance genomic equity and personalised medicine
Balancing Act: An Efficient Way to Debias Vision-Language Models
CDS M.Tech. student leads AI tool development for screening nerve disorders
Dr. Phani Motamarri and his research group named among the recipients of the prestigious ACM Gordon Bell Prize for 2023
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Department of Computational and Data Sciences (CDS) is an interdisciplinary engineering department spanning the broad research areas of computational science & engineering and scalable computer & data systems.

The department (CDS) offers two degree programs through research, Ph.D. and M.Tech. (Research). Research activities at CDS are broadly categorized into two streams: Computational Science and Computer & Data Systems.

Research Groups/Labs are placed in one of these two streams. Data science and engineering research also span these streams.

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Research @ CDS