CDS-Computational Science (CD-CP)
Ph.D November 2018 admissions
Admission Brochure including Interview procedure, research labs admitting students, and syllabus.
June 2018 Cycle [OBSOLETE]
Important Information
- CDS-CP Research Admission Brochure 2018: Interview procedure, research labs admitting students, and syllabus
- IISc Admission Site
- “Why do a Ph.D. at CDS?”; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Applicant Information form: To be filled before May 8, 2018 by candidates called for interview to CDS-CP [Fill Form]
Important Dates:
Pre-interview Familirization/orientation towards CD-CP Research Admissions:Open to everyone.Date & Time: May 16, 2018 (11 AM), Venue: Seminar Hall (102) of CDS, IISc, Bangalore.ScheduleIntroduction to CDS and Highlights of computational science research program by Sashikumaar Ganesan (2017 Presentation Slides)CD-CP written and Interview process by Murugesan Venkatapathi (2017 Presentation Slides)Interactions with current CD-CP research students and a tour to the department
Research Interviews: May 21-25, 2018The interview process for the Computational Science (CD-CP) stream has two stages: Written and Oral (both conducted on the same day).Written component (Duration: 30 minutes): Total Points 5X2=10(a) Two mandatory questions, one from polynomials, functions, plotting, etc and another is a programming question(b) Answer any three out of four questions asked from basic engineering mathematics on following topics: Linear Algebra/Matrices, Probability and Statistics, and Differential Equations.
Oral Interview: Candidates who are successful in the written component will attend an oral interview before a CDS-CP faculty committee. In the oral interview, you will be questioned on the basic subjects, and based on your choice of an advanced topic and lab preferences
Basic Area Subjects: Programming fundamentals; Linear Algebra; Numerical Methods; Ordinary Differential Equations; Probability & Statistics. Final year undergraduate level preparation is required.
Advanced Topics: Matrix Algebra, Numerical and Functional Analysis, Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations, Finite Element Methods, Signal Processing, Computational Biology and Structural Bioinformatics, Graph Algorithms, Structural Biology and Bioinformatics.
(Updated on: May 25, 2018 @ 7:10 PM)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about admissions are here
For any queries/questions about admissions, please contact: (replace # with @)
List of projects/research topics
Last-Year (admissions of 2017):
The detailed procedure along with the preference sheet for choice of labs is here.
- Tentative Merit List
- Final List of Candidates for Research Admissions into CDS-Computational Science Stream, 2017
Previous Year (admissions of 2016) Information:
M.Tech(Research)/Ph.D. admissions information
The detailed procedure along with the preference sheet for choice of labs is here
Interview Process:
The interview process for the Computational Science stream has two stages: Written and Oral (both conducted on the same day).
Written component (Duration: 30 minutes): Total Points 5×2=10
(a) Two mandatory questions, one from polynomials, functions, plotting, etc and another is a programing question
(b) Answer any three out of five questions asked from the following subjects: Elements of Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra/Matrix Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Differential Equations and Numerical Methods. -
Oral Interview: Candidates who are successful in the written component will attend an oral interview before a CDS-CP faculty committee. In the oral interview, you will be questioned on:
– Basic Area Subjects: Linear Algebra; Numerical Methods; and Probability & Statistics. Final year engineering undergraduate level preparation is required
– Advanced Topics: Any one of the topics: Matrix Algebra, Numerical and Functional Analysis, Numerical Solution of ODEs and DAEs, Finite element methods, Signal processing, Stochastic Calculus,Computational Biology and Structural Bioinformatics, Graph Algorithms, Structural Biology and Bioinformatics
(Updated on: June 2, 2016)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about admissions are here
For any queries/questions about admissions, please contact: (replace # with @)