Department of Computational and Data Sciences (CDS) is an interdisciplinary engineering department spanning the broad research areas of computational science & engineering and scalable computer & data systems.
- Computational science deals with mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, computational aspects of numerical methods to solve complex problems and implementation of efficient & robust parallel algorithms in massively parallel computers.
- Computer & Data Systems explores Data science and the design, implementation and evaluation of high performance and scalable computer hardware and data systems, including big data platforms.
For more information about the research activities of the department, please refer to faculty webpages.

The department (CDS) offers two degree programs through research, Ph.D. and M.Tech. (Research). Research activities at CDS are broadly categorized into two streams: Computational Science and Computer & Data Systems. Research Groups/Labs are placed in one of these two streams. Data science and engineering research also span these streams.
Computational Science Stream: This deals with computational methods and their application to scientific domains. Research in this stream include Numerical Linear Algebra, Photonics, Condensed Matter, Uncertainty Quantification, Data Assimilation, Path Planning Computational and Statistical Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Computing, Medical Imaging, Multi-modal Imaging, Diffuse Optical Tomography, Neuroimaging, Bio-molecular Computation, Computational Biology, Control and Optimization of Constrained Dynamical Systems, Stochastic and Deterministic Differential-Algebraic Equation Systems, Finite Element Analysis, OpenMP and MPI based Hybrid Parallel Algorithms, Numerical Libraries.
These typically require skills at the intersection of applied mathematics, application-specific knowledge and effective use of computing platforms.
Computer and Data Systems Stream: This deals with the design, implementation and evaluation of high performance and scalable computer hardware and software systems. Prominent research topics in the Computer Systems stream include Big Data platforms & applications, Computer Aided Design, Database Systems, Distributed Systems & Cloud Computing, High Performance Computing, Image & Video Analytics, Machine learning, and Middleware & Runtime Systems.
More details about research programs can be seen here.
The M.Tech. Computational and Data Sciences is another degree program of CDS that involves coursework primarily. This is an inter-disciplinary program (spanning 2 years) that brings together the domain-specific knowledge of science and engineering with relevant areas of computing and data science. It educates and trains students in the modern discipline of data science (more details are available here). [Program Flyer]