Help Page for Candidates Attending PMRF-IDSE Interview at IISc, Bangalore between May 14-17, 2019

Congratulations for being shortlisted for the PMRF interviews in the discipline of IDSE (Interdisciplinary Programs in Science and Engineering) for which IISc is the nodal institute. As you are making arrangements for attending the interview at IISc, this page will be guiding you with the process.


  1. Report at 8:00 AM in Room No: 102 (First Floor) on the date of Interview at CDS, IISc, Bangalore (Google Maps Link)
  2. Complete document verification by 9:00 AM. As you are signing registration, you can also know the interview committee (I,II, III, IV, and V) allotment against your application.  Please make a note of it.
  3. Slot for interviews (Morning/afternoon) against your application number will be available at 9:30 AM of the date of interview at the following webpage and CDS notice board:
  4. Complete your interview as per the slot allotted to you. You can leave after interview is finished.

Important Rooms in CDS/SERC: 


Interview Committee Room Nos:

  • Committee I – Room No: 308 (Third Floor)
  • Committee II – Room No: 309  (Third Floor)
  • Committee III – Room No: 201A  (Second Floor)
  • Committee IV – Room No: G07 (Ground Floor)
  • Committee V – Room No: 208 (Second Floor)

Control/enquiry room- Room No: 305 (Third Floor)

For all candidates, there will be no accommodation provided on campus. The candidates are requested to make their own arrangements for attending interviews.

Important Notes: 

  • The nearby places to eat on campus of IISc are: Prakruthi & Nesara
  • PMRF Committee will not be responsible for any accommodation related issues. IISc/PMRF committee is not responsible -in any manner- for accommodation outside the campus.
  • No communication with respect to accommodation is entertained by the PMRF committee.
  • The reporting time is 8:00 AM and date of interview is communicated to candidates in the call letter. Please report at 8:00 AM for verification of your documents. The interviews are likely to finish by 6 PM everyday.
  • If during transcripts/document verification, if the candidate does not possess the mandated qualifications (for example not having CGPA of 8.0 out of 10.0 in the qualifying degree), the candidate will NOT be interviewed. All supporting documents like degree certificates and grade sheets (semester wise) starting from B.E./B.Tech. (GATE score card, if applicable) to M.E./M.Tech./M.Sc./etc need to be produced in ORIGINAL for document verification. The IDSE coordinator reserves the right of not interviewing candidates, who do not produce the required documents as per the required PMRF May 2019 qualifications.
  • There will be no written test, the selection is based on an oral interview.
  • For any queries, please write an e-mail to PMRF IDSE Coordinator: (replace # with @).

Helpful Links: 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. My train/flight got delayed, I am not able to report at 8:00 AM for interview, whether I will be allowed to attend interview? 

Ans: Only those report at 8:00 AM and complete the document verification process are allowed to attend the interview. If there is a delay due to unforeseen circumstances, please show valid proof for the cause of delay and you will be allowed to attend the interview.

2. Will I be allowed to change the interview date? 

Ans: No. Exceptional cases can write to the PMRF IDSE coordinator, contact details are in Important Notes.

3. Which session (Morning/afternoon), will I be interviewed? 

Ans: That information will be available after document verification. All candidates have to report at 8:00 AM on the date of interview for document verification.

4. What type of questions will be asked in the interview? 

Ans: The selection committee expects you to be well prepared in your undergraduate subjects and questions will mainly test your fundamentals. Other than these subject questions, the committee might ask questions related to your PMRF project abstract and other course/research projects.

5. I do not have original Aadhaar card, I have only e-Aadhaar/m-Aadhaar, can I show it? 

Ans: Yes. Please do not forget to get a copy of your regular e-aadhaar (NOT masked). If it is m-Aadhaar, it has to be shown in the UIDAI mAadhaar app (No screenshots are allowed).

6. I have been allotted Committee-X, can I change it to Committee-Y? 

Ans: No. The committee allotment is based on your background and the abstract submitted by the candidate. The candidate has to appear for the interview in the committee allotted to him/her by IDSE application screening committee.

7. I have forgotten to bring the required documents for document verification, ex: final semester qualifying degree mark sheet, will I be interviewed? 

Ans: No. You will NOT be interviewed. Strictly all candidates need to produce the documents/certificates/transcripts as specified in the interview call letter. Failing which, you will NOT be interviewed.

8. Do I need to stay for more than the day, I was being called for interview? 

Ans: No. Your interview will finish within a day.

9. Do I require a printout of the interview call letter? 

Ans: No. Digital copy (including showing on the mobile) will be fine.

10. I am differently abled candidate, can I be interviewed first?

Ans: Absolutely. Please contact the control/enquiry room.

11. Will there be a place for me to deposit luggage when I come for interview?

Ans: The venue has security and you will be allowed to drop the luggage. Note that the luggage dropping at the venue security is entirely at your own risk. You will be allowed to carry a small bag/backpack with your certificates to the interview room. So keep important documents/certificates always with you.

12. I have special medical needs, whom should I contact?

Ans: Please write to the PMRF IDSE coordinator, contact details are in Important Notes. On the interview day, please contact the control/enquiry room.

13. When will the results be announced? 

Ans: Results will be announced on the PMRF website, so please keep checking it.

14. I can not attend interviews between May 14-17, 2019, what should I do? 

Ans: The selection committee consists of faculty members of various IITs and IISERs in addition to IISc. It is not possible for them to assemble beyond the dates of interview, so it will not be possible to shift the interview dates beyond May 14-17, 2019.

15. Will taxis (UBER/OLA/Airport Taxi etc), private vehicles, or Autos be allowed inside IISc? 

Ans: Yes. Please note that IISc is locally known as ‘Tata Institute’. Please report to IISc security that you are attending PMRF interviews, after an entry, you will be allowed. There is plenty of parking available inside the campus.

16. Can I leave as soon as I am done with my interview?

Ans: Yes.

17. Is there a dress code for attending interview?

Ans: There is no dress code for the interview. You can wear comfortable clothing that suits your needs.

18. Will I be called for the interview in the order that is displayed in the notice board or posted on the webpage?

Ans: There is no strict order, selection committee will call candidates based on their convenience.

19. After document verification, do I need show my certificates also to the interview committee?

Ans: No. The selection committee does not require to check your certificates.

20. Is there a travelling allowance paid for candidates attending interview?

Ans: No. There is no such provision.

21. I have applied for IDSE as one of the preferences available, my research interest is in the core engineering (ex: mechanical engineering) discipline, is it compulsory to attend the IDSE interview?

Ans: No. If your research interest lies with another discipline, you can attend that discipline interview as well. There is no compulsion for any candidate to appear for interview in any discipline, which the candidate is not interested.

22. Can the candidate father/mother/relative/friend send a query on behalf of the candidate?

Ans: No. We have to receive the query from your registered e-mail id only. Queries sent by others on behalf of the candidate will be ignored.

23. I have sent an e-mail to the PMRF IDSE coordinator with a question/query, I have not yet received any reply, what should I do? 

Ans: Please allow two clear working days for the response. If you do not hear by the end of third day, please resend the e-mail.

24. I have been called for PMRF IDSE interviews and my refrees have not received the e-mails for submitting a reference/recommendation letters, what shall I do? 

Ans: Please contact the support team of PMRF Coordinating institute (webpage)

25. Whom should I contact in case of further questions? 

Ans: Please write to the PMRF IDSE coordinator, contact details are in Important Notes.