{Seminar} @ CDS: #102: September 13, 2024: 4:00 PM: “Computational methods for predictive digital twins”


13 Sep 24    
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Event Type

Department of Computational and Data Sciences
Department Seminar

Speaker : Vishwas Rao, Computational Mathematician Argonne National Laboratory Lemont, IL, USA
Title : “Computational methods for predictive digital twins”.
Date & Time : September 13, 2024, 4:00 PM
Venue : # 102, CDS Seminar Hall

A digital twin couples computational models with a physical counterpart to create a system that is dynamically updated through bidirectional data flows as conditions change. Data Assimilation and Optimal Experimental Design (OED) provide a systematic means of updating the computational model and acquiring information as the physical system evolves. This talk will describe scalable preconditioners and solvers for Bayesian inversion using different randomization techniques. The proposed techniques are amenable to parallelization and drastically reduce the required number of model evaluations. We also develop theoretical guarantees on the condition number. Additionally, the talk will describe connections between OED for Bayesian linear inverse problems and the column subset selection problem (CSSP) in matrix approximation and derive bounds, both lower and upper, for the D-optimality criterion via CSSP for the independent and colored noise cases. We demonstrate the performance and effectiveness of our methodology on a variety of test problems such as Burgers and quasi-geostrophic equations.

BIO: Dr Vishwas Rao’s profile may be found at

A list of his publications may be found at

Host Faculty: Prof. Soumyedu Raha